This pattern comprises of three techniques: Grow and Split (Mitosis), Split and Seed, Seed to Oak, and Grafting.
Agile Transformation, Scaling Structures
Growing Capacity, Spreading Expertise in an Agile Transformation
This pattern addresses two different challenges:
These challenges are related to the difficulty of sharing tacit knowledge (experimental knowledge).
The ‘Grow-Split-Grow’ pattern scales agile teams by promoting both incremental expansion and deliberate division. This pattern demonstrates how a team grows while remaining productive. As Fred Brooks noted, adding team members can often detract from productivity instead of enhancing it, and coordination becomes more difficult. Growing from one agile team to two agile teams is a better solution than hiring externally. The new team members adapt through osmotic communication – learning by working with people, therefore sharing tacit knowledge.
This model emphasizes adaptability, allowing teams to evolve while ensuring alignment with organizational goals and minimizing disruption during the transition. The process repeats as needed, enabling sustainable and scalable growth. With three techniques under this pattern, organizations should select the one that best suits their needs.
Grow and Split (also known as Mitosis)
This pattern involves the gradual expansion of a Scrum Team until its size affects performance. At this point, the team splits into two smaller, autonomous units, ensuring cross-functionality and continued product focus. The split teams carry over the original team’s culture and knowledge, minimizing disruptions and maintaining continuity. This approach supports controlled, sustainable scaling while keeping team size manageable and ensuring both teams remain aligned with Agile principles.
Split and Seed
This pattern scales Agile teams by splitting a high-performing team and “seeding” the new teams with experienced members. This preserves the knowledge, culture, and practices of the original team, allowing the new teams to quickly adapt and function effectively. It is ideal for swift scaling while ensuring consistency across teams and promoting growth.
This pattern follows a bottom-up approach, starting with one or two experienced individuals who form the “seed” of an Agile team. As they demonstrate Agile practices, the team gradually expands, growing into a fully functioning unit. This pattern emphasizes gradual, organic growth, spreading Agile principles throughout the organization, making it ideal for fostering Agile adoption in new or less mature companies.
This pattern involves placing an experienced agile team or individuals into a non-agile department to transfer agile knowledge and practices. Similar to grafting in gardening, this approach helps the recipient department become agile more quickly. Success depends on maintaining a sufficient ratio of agile to non-agile members to ensure effective demonstration, as well as the donor department’s ability to afford losing key contributors without sacrificing its effectiveness. Grafting can also be used to address knowledge and understanding gaps that are adversely impacting team performance by inserting individuals who can address challenges by example and internal coaching.
The Scrum Patterns Group (ScrumPlop): Grow-and-Split (called Mitosis in this pattern) is recommended as the best technique for growing teams. This pattern emphasizes the benefit of incremental and piecemeal growth as the most effective means of growing capacity efficiency.
Extreme Programming (XP): XP recommends the Split-and-Seed technique, where the original team is split in half, the new team members can learn via pair programming, and this approach ensures that the teams can maintain close collaboration while keeping their work focused and streamlined.
Scrum@Scale: Scrum@Scale recommends leveraging a Team Reference Model, where one or more agile teams develop sufficient agile skills as teams that they can be constructed into a network of teams (Scrum@Scale).
To implement the model pattern effectively, follow these steps to ensure a smooth team division and maintain high performance levels in both the original and newly formed teams:
Team scaling, Agile growth, incremental team expansion, cross-team coordination, efficient scaling, Scrum techniques, team maturity, controlled growth
Avoid using the Grow-Split-Grow (or mitosis) pattern if your team hasn’t yet optimized its productivity or is still dealing with major disruptions. Don’t rush to grow a team without first addressing internal issues and ensuring smooth workflows. Adding capacity too early can create inefficiencies and reduce overall performance. Also, avoid using this pattern when urgent scaling is required, as it focuses on gradual, controlled growth.
Avoid the Split-and-Seed technique if the original team lacks cohesion or experience, as splitting may create inconsistencies and knowledge gaps. It is also inadvisable in highly specialized environments where new teams may struggle to adapt quickly.
Do not use the Seed-to-Oak and Grafting pattern if the team does not have the right ratio of people. In grafting for instance, a 1:3 ratio is proposed.
A variant of grafting is a reverse-graft, where a non-agile individual is embedded in an agile team or department, instead of the opposite. Jeff Sutherland, a co-creator of Scrum, recommends this approach and it has some advantages over grafting because the ratio of agile to non-agile individuals is much higher. However, it also takes quite a bit longer to transform many non-agile individuals into agile ones.
Sometimes you can supplement a technique - begin with one technique and include another for the best outcome. You can begin with mitosis, and finish with the fertilization technique.
1. Jeff Sutherland, James O. Coplien, ScrumPLOP. (n.d.). Mitosis. Published Patterns.
2. Beck, K. (1999). Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Addison-Wesley.
3. Patti, D. (2020, June 16). Grafting. Agile Transformation Playbook.
4. Patti, D. (2020, June 16). Seed to oak. Agile Transformation Playbook.
5. The Scrum@Scale Guide, Version 2.1 — February 2022. | Scrum@Scale Framework. (2022, April 1). Scrum@Scale Framework. p. 5. Getting Started: Installing an Agile Operating System.
5. Cohn, M. (2009). Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum (1st ed.). Pearson Education.